God’s Love – Feb 21:The Overflow of God’s Love
Daniel Erskine

Day 21: The Overflow of God’s Love

📖 Scripture:
“My cup runs over.” — Psalm 23:5 (NKJV)

🔎 Reflection:
When we truly experience the fullness of God’s love, it overflows into every area of our lives. His love fills us to the point that we can’t help but share it with others. When your cup is full, it spills over—and that’s exactly what happens when you live in God’s love. Who needs to experience God’s love through you today?

🙏 Prayer:
Father, let Your love overflow in my life. Fill me so completely that it spills over into my words, actions, and relationships. Help me to share Your love with others today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.